Monday, February 6, 2012

Best Friends!

One of the coolest things about homeschooling is watching my children bond with each other. It is something I thought about before we started homeschooling. However, it had no impact on our decision to home educate. It has turned out to be one of the sweetest parts of watching my children grow. They each have a a special bond with every single one of their siblings. Even the two that clash the most, because they are so much alike love each other and go find each other to play, help each other clean their rooms and serve one another. The other day in the van (and out of no where) Tristin said I love Maezy so much, I could never imagine life without her. Such a sweet and thoughtful comment from an eight year old boy. It amazes me that often times when I offer to help someone they say they want a sibling to help them.

This morning while I was brushing my teeth a couple little girls stopped in to join me. As they were trying to get their toothbrushes and toothpaste out Hudsyn knocked Bell's toothpaste off the counter without realizing it. Bell turned to her and snapped something sassy out about her knocking it down and bent down to pick her toothpaste up. As she stood back up she looked and Hudsyn and said I am so sorry I wasn't nice to you. I hurt my own heart. Did I hurt yours too?  Hudsyn just stared at her blankly and said what are you talking about?  They both giggled and hugged each other and started brushing their teeth. I was waiting to see if Bella was going to right her wrong before I guided her. I didn't even get a thought beyond that when she apologized. It is such a blessing to me to see them love each other so much that they want to make sure if they have hurt someone they "fix it" right away.

Greysen went to Kaitlynne and asked her to get her "dancin" out and play with him!

I walked by and noticed Tristin reading to Maezy. He said she asked him to and he couldn't say no!

Bella and Hudsy snuggling on the couch!


Anonymous said...

Love Love your Family
Love Aunt Dawn

Amber said...

Thanks Aunt Dawn. We love you too. A lot. You are one of the greatest people I know! :)